Bellecour’s strategic business and financial management services to perform an analysis, reporting and modeling projection of the financial situation and dynamics of the Organization with the generic goal of highlighting its strengths and weaknesses, but above all of identifying its areas for improvement, the potential investment both from a strategic and operational point of view in order to have a fair market’ value valuation of the Organization.
Upload (or send to [email protected]) the latest audited financial statement of the Organization to receive an AI generate reporting on the current and future financial situation of the Organization within its economic environment along with the tax impact on its commercial operations within its jurisdiction of registration of its head office and/or its overseas branches.
€ 315.- (excl. VAT)
€ 530.- (excl. VAT)
€ 750.- (excl. VAT)
€ 1000.- (excl. VAT)
€ 1500.- (excl. VAT)
€ 2000.- (excl. VAT)